concurve 2.7.7 Unreleased

Major changes

  • log option added to curve_gen() to exponentiate the coefficients.
  • customization option for title fully added to ggcurve()

concurve 2.7.5 Unreleased

Major changes

  • Substantial revisions to the documents and website
  • Now, far fewer dependencies to avoid potential conflicts in the future
  • Included lots of resources for individuals to better learn the concepts
  • Far better improvement in documentation and in continous integration
  • Added several messages that accompany functions from the program to aid researchers
  • Larger and improved tutorial on how to construct these functions using Stata

concurve 2.7.0 Unreleased

Major changes

  • curve_gen() now includes options to adjust CIs and P-values for multiple comparisons.
  • curve_gen() can now accept inputs from the rms package’s ols() function.
    • This can be done using the same lm option that is typically used.
  • disabled likelihood function computations for curve_rev() for continuous variables due to instability.

Minor changes

  • improvements to documentation all around.
  • new article on estimating variance components using lme4.
  • new article on using curve_table() to produce outputs from the functions.
  • updates to article on troubleshooting and parallel computing.

concurve 2.6.0 Unreleased

Major changes

  • An error in curve_rev() was fixed where for the default measure, the computations were calculated as if measure was set to ratio.
    • Thank you to Aaron Caldwell for his generous help in fixing this bug.
  • curve_rev() can now take summary statistics such as the point estimate and it’s standard error to back calculate the function.
  • curve_boot() now takes an option allowing users to specify the number of cores to be used.
  • Graphing functions such as ggcurve() and plot_compare() now have the options to customize the second y-axis and also change the color of the outline of the functions.
    • Thus, the argument yaxis has been replaced by yaxis1 and yaxis2.
    • For plot_compare() color has been replaced by color1 and color2

concurve 2.5.0 2020-04-20

Major changes

concurve 2.4.1 Unreleased

Major changes

concurve 2.4.0 Unreleased

Major changes

  • curve_boot() can utilize parametric Bca bootstrap methods to compute functions.
  • Corrected error where order of labels in columns for curve_boot() tables was incorrect.
  • Corrected error where order of labels in columns for curve_meta() tables was incorrect.
  • Set minimum version of R to 3.5.0.
  • included install.packages("concurve", dep = TRUE) as solution to installation problems for some individuals.
  • Removed MASS, compiler, and Rlang from DESCRIPTION IMPORTS, since these weren’t used.
  • Wrote new unit tests examing the class of each of the objects created from the functions.

Minor changes

concurve 2.3.0 2019-12-04

Major changes

Minor changes

  • All functions now provide progress on how long it will take to complete the task.
  • Interval widths are now provided as measures of precision.

concurve 2.1.0 2019-09-19

Major changes

  • ggconcurve() now plots both the P-values and CI level using both y-axes when the type = “consonance”. Previously, this was only possible via plot_concurve() (which uses base R graphics) because ggplot2 had a bug in its last few versions, which inhibited proper transformations in the y-axis.

concurve 2.0.1 Unreleased

Major changes

  • plot_concurve() now has “measure” as an item which allows for ratio measures to be logarithmically scaled on the x axis. There are two options, “default”, which is set as the default option and is for mean differences, and “ratio”, which will result in the axis being logarithmically scaled.
  • plot_concurve() also now has a “fill” option which will allow users to choose the color of the plot.

concurve 2.0 2019-07-10

Major changes

  • The plotpint() function which plotted consonance functions has been repackaged into ggconcurve().
  • The plotsint() function which plotted surprisal functions has been repackaged into ggconcurve().
  • Functions can now also be plotted with base R via the plot_concurve() function.
  • Consonance functions can be plotted as a pyramid (right side up) or inverted (upside down) via the “position” item in ggconcurve().
  • Null values (for means & ratios) can be plotted via the ggconcurve() function to show how much of the interval surrounds it.
  • Log transformations included in all the plotting functions for ratio measures.
  • Parallel programming has now been implemented into the computations via the mclapply() function from the parallel package.

concurve 1.08 Unreleased

Major changes

  • Can produce consonance and surprisal functions for correlations via the corrintervals() function.
  • Now able to construct consonance and surprisal functions from the point estiate, and confidence limits via the rev_eng() function.
  • Graphs produced via the plotpint() or plotsint() function now able to take custom titles, subtitles, x-axis titles, and captions.

concurve 1.07 Unreleased

Major changes

  • Can now produce consonance and surprisal functions for survival data produced with the survival package.

concurve 1.06 Unreleased

Major changes

  • Now contains documentation for producing interval functons in Stata.

Minor changes

  • Default plots now contain grids, title, subtitle, and a caption.
  • Updated figures in README and the ‘Examples in R’ vignette/article.